Brushing makes our breath fresh and cool. It also protects our teeth from decay and gum diseases.
However, to be 100% effective, it must be carried out correctly and at least twice a day.
The basic tools for proper brushing is the toothbrush and the dental floss or the interdental brushes.
First, select a simple toothbrush with medium and flexible heads. Your dentist can advise you on the right choice. Our toothbrush needs to be replaced every 3-4 months.
If your toothbrush hardens earlier you brush very hard and this way you might injure oral tissues.
Use a toothpaste containing fluoride to strengthen the tooth enamel.
It is better the floss to be waxed, so you can pass it easily between the interdental spaces. Ask your dentist to show you the flossing technique.
Regardless of the way you brush, the aim is to eliminate bacteria that accumulate at the junction of teeth with gums, with mild and gentle movements in order to avoid teeth abrasion and gingival recession.
Brushing takes at least two minutes in order to clean all tooth surfaces, which is the surface that is visible in the mirror, the one we chew on, the one that rests on the tongue and the areas that exist interdentally.
Finally do not forget to brush your tongue as well.