Our clinics give patients the opportunity to undergo conscious sedation by anesthesiologist in a specifically equipped environment. It is an absolutely safe procedure that takes place by intravenous administrated medication, while monitoring vital signs.

In which situations should this procedure be proposed?

When long hours surgery is about to take place i.e. placing 10-12 dental implants in maxilla and mandible, or even smaller-scale operation is scheduled i.e. extraction of wisdom teeth, although there is no pain, patient memorizes negatively the experience since he is severely stressed during the procedure. On the contrary, when sedated the patient is both psychologically and mentally relaxed. Although communication with the doctor is seamless, the patient has no time-stress and leaves the clinic with a pleasant memory of the procedure. On the other hand, avoiding general anesthesia gives him the comfort to get back to his social and professional activities without any delay that possible side effects may cause.