A bright smile is always attractive to those around us and strengthens our confidence. Often, though, our teeth are not as white as we would like them to be. Certain foods and drinks daily consumed and tobacco products may discolor them. Even the natural shade of teeth wears off over the years, negatively affecting their color. Our dentition discoloring is inevitable, but that does not mean we need to accept it. Tooth whitening is a relatively inexpensive way to erase the time marks out from our smile. You have definitely heard about various products or toothpastes that promise whiter teeth, however, they are minimally effective and often highly damaging for the dental enamel.
The only safe and guaranteed method results is the application of specific medical formulations by the dentist. Within a session your teeth can become two to six tons whiter. Following a certain protocol procedure, the dentist initially protects the gums and exposed roots with a specific agent applied to avoid contact with the bleaching agent. The activity of the latter is usually enhanced through exposure to a special light source.
The protocol of “home bleaching procedure” contains the use of bleaching agent of light concentration, applied in personalized splints, according to the instructions of the dentist. It is usually recommended in combination with the clinical session for maximum results, which are visible immediately after the completion of the treatment.
As any other treatment, teeth whitening should be personalized. After clinical examination the dentist will propose the appropriate treatment for you and inform you about any side effects, such as tooth sensitivity or gum irritation, which may take place. The crowns and fillings color you may already have is not affected. The result of whitening is not permanent, but weakened by time, depending mostly on the oral hygiene, eating habits, smoking, etc and affect the periods of recall treatments.